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A Guide to being a Good Driver

Any driver, young or old, will tell you that driving well comes with practice and no matter how long you've been driving for, there is always something new to learn.

Whether you're an experienced driver or a young driver, new to the roads, following these tips will hopefully help to keep your motor insurance premiums down.  

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Get in the car with the right mental attitude

Before you get behind the wheel of the car it's important to be in the right frame of mind. Ensure that you are calm and patient - both when you're learning the rules of the road and once you've qualified. If you remain calm while on the road, the drive will be as smooth as possible and you will find it far easier to pick up good driving techniques.

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It's important to have strong self discipline when driving, especially when faced with busy roads and other, sometimes inconsiderate road users. You must obey speed limits and traffic signs as it can improve your driving and make you a far better, more considerate driver in the process. 

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Know road laws

Any driving instructor will tell you that the Highway Code is your best friend when out on the road as it outlines what you can and cannot do while driving. As a learner driver, you are required to study this little book to ensure you are well aware of the road laws. If you haven't read this for a few years, then it is worth refreshing your memory - and even if you do think you know it, bear in mind that it does get changed every so often to accommodate new laws and regulations.

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Focus on the road

As a driver you need to be able to focus on what is going on - especially on the road ahead. This is what you need to be concentrating on, no matter what other events happened during the course of the day. So make sure that you drive with a clear head - with all your focus channelled into driving - and worry about the rest later.

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Anticipate and plan

Always anticipate when something may happen - for example, traffic slowing or cars emerging from side roads, etc. It is important to keep an eye on everything that is going on around you when out on the road as you are only in control of your own vehicle but must make decisions according to others on the road.

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Practice your driving skills 

Any good driving instructor can teach you how to drive your car, but the skills still require practice from you. The more driving practice you get, the better driver you will become. It is really important, especially when you have passengers in your car, to make sure the drive is smooth and safe for all concerned. As long as you practice on a regular basis, your driving skills should improve quickly.

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If your insurance policy stipulates a driving curfew, stick to it

However, here at Towergate, our primary concern is that you drive well and for your safety. We realise that we all occasionally get delayed. If you have a young drivers insurance policy, with a curfew, and are likely to miss it by a few minutes please do not rush to get to your destination.

All you need to do is call us the next working morning and explain the circumstances and we will review your due charge. This is meant to be for exceptional circumstances and not a regular occurrence or for more than a few minutes breach - so we reserve the right to make this charge, but our aim is to apply some common sense and enable you to drive home safely.

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Young driver insurance from Towergate

Our cover for young drivers can cost less than third-party only cover with other insurers, and can include additional discounts for not driving between 11pm and 5am. Our learner drivers insurance also allows you to start earning your no-claims bonus before you pass your driving test, and includes a GPS tracking device, rescue and roadside recovery breakdown and third-party injury claim compensation.

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Motor insurance from Towergate

We can offer a range of motor insurance policies to suit your needs. Read more on our motor insurance webpage.

 All cover is subject to normal underwriting terms and conditions.

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About the author

Chris North FCII, commercial vehicles insurance articles author Chris North FCII is a respected industry leader with over 40 years' experience, who has worked in the insurance industry in a variety of roles, accumulating a wealth of knowledge. He is currently Technical Manager for Towergate's motor division, providing expertise on all matters relating to motor fleet insurance, in particular haulage and self-drive hire fleets.